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新闻 & 事件 21年来最冷的4月导致了3个月.6 Percent Drop in Consumer Commerce, According to New 12bet官方 研究所 Data

21年来最冷的4月导致了3个月.6 Percent Drop in Consumer Commerce, According to New 12bet官方 研究所 Data


哥伦布, 芝加哥, Detroit and New York all see drops of 5.与2017年4月相比,增长了5%或更多

5.9 percent drop from March is largest swing since LCCI launched, 认为丹佛是唯一一个正增长的城市


今天,12bet官方研究所发布了其 本地消费商业指数(LCCI) for April 2018, which showed a dramatic drop of 3.6 percent across 13 of the 14 metro areas analyzed. The drop in year-over-year spending for April represented the single-largest drop in the series. 3.6 percent decline in monthly spending represents a 5.9 percent point swing from March’s positive growth rate of 2.3%.

April’s negative growth was wide-spread, with four cities experiencing a decline of 5.5% or more, and an additional three cities experiencing a drop of 3.4%或更多. Denver was the only city to register positive growth, with an increase of 0.与2017年4月相比,增长了7%. 在这三个人中.6 percent decline in year-over-year growth at the national level, consumers under the age of 35 were responsible for 0.8%的正增长, 而其他年龄组, income quintiles and 业务规模s registered negative growth or remained flat.

“We saw in April our most significant decline in the series, topping even the 3.与2016年5月相比下降了5%. This time around, it looks like the decline was, at least in part, due to weather,” said Diana Farrell, President and CEO, 12bet官方 研究所. “The late start to summer this year depressed spending on non-durable goods, 如夏季服装及相关物品, 相对于去年四月. It’s an important reminder of the substantial role that unusual weather can play in growth volatility across months.

Data visualization of the changes in local consumer spending growth over the last 24 months can be found online.

This LCCI report provides a timely view of how the following cities and surrounding metro areas are faring economically, 无论是个人还是整体:亚特兰大, 芝加哥, 哥伦布, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, Portland (Ore.)、圣地亚哥和旧金山. 通过观察实际情况, 去识别金融交易, LCCI提供了一个持续的, 对美国金融健康的动态看法.S. consumer and the vibrancy of the places where 企业 operate.

Additional key highlights from the latest Index release include:

  • 支出 on non-durables saw the most negative contribution to growth, subtracting 3.3%age points from growth at the national level.
  • 哥伦布, 芝加哥 and New York all saw declines of 5.年增长率为7%. 底特律则下降了5%.5%.
  • Dallas-Fort Worth and San Diego registered negative growth of 3.7 percent, and Portland registered negative growth of 3.4%.
  • 35岁以下的消费者增加了0.8 percentage points in positive growth, while consumers over 55 subtracted 2.同比增长下降6个百分点.
  • Consumers in the highest income quintile subtracted 1.比增长率低5个百分点, while spending remained flat for consumers in the lowest income quintile.
  • 中型企业减去2.同比增长下降1个百分点, while large 企业 and small 企业 fared slightly better, 减去1.1和0.分别为4个百分点.
  • Fuel spending continued to add to growth, with an increase of 0.与去年相比增长了5%.

The LCCI offers unique advantages over existing measures of consumer spending.

  • LCCI捕获实际的事务, instead of self-reported measures of how consumers think they spend.
  • The LCCI provides timely data on spending in 14 major metropolitan areas; such geographic 粒度 is unavailable in most other spending measures. These 14 metro areas mirror the geographic and economic 多样性 of larger metropolitan areas in the United States and account for 30 percent of retail sales nationwide.
  • The LCCI also presents a more granular view of local consumer commerce through five important lenses: consumer age, 消费者收入, 业务规模, 产品类型, and consumer residence relative to the location of the business. For each lens, we show how different segments contributed to year-over-year spending growth.
  • The LCCI captures economic activity in sectors that previously have not been well understood by other data sources. These include sectors such as food trucks, new merchants, and personal services.

Each release of the LCCI describes the economic picture of local communities and provides a powerful tool for city development officials, 企业, 投资者, and statistical agencies to better understand the everyday economic health of consumers, 企业, 以及他们关心的地方.


The 12bet官方 研究所 is a think tank dedicated to delivering data-rich analyses and expert insights for the public good. 它的目的是帮助决策者, 企业, 非营利组织的领导者们也很欣赏这种规模, 粒度, 多样性, and interconnectedness of the global economic system and use timely data and thoughtful analysis to make more informed decisions that advance prosperity for all. 借鉴12bet官方 & Co.微软独有的专有数据, 专业知识, 市场准入, the 研究所 develops analyses and insights on the inner workings of the global economy, 框架关键问题, 召集利益相关者和主要思想家. 更多信息请访问: JP摩根追逐研究所.com.